
Our home made hand sanitizer that we’re giving away for free
Opening Hours in the Shop

Vi udleverer ikke længere gratis håndsprit.

Vi er desuden blevet pålagt af Miljøstyrelsen til at tilbagetrække det udleverede håndsprit, da det ikke er i overensstemmelse med biocidforordningens artikel 69, stk. 1 , del 2, da håndspritten er udleveret i ølflasker og dermed kan forveksles med en fødevare.

“at produkter, som kan forveksles med fødevarer, herunder drikkevarer eller foder, emballeres således, at sandsynligheden for forveksling mindskes mest muligt.”

Aflevering af flasker med Elvira Håndsprit kan ske på bryggeriet i åbningstiden. For åbningstider henvises der til vores Facebook side. Har du ikke mulighed for dette er du velkommen til at destruere det selv (bemærk produktet er brandfarligt!) og bedes i den forbindelse sende en email til jessica@penyllan.com

Elvira - our house made hand sanitiser

As there unfortunately has been reports of hoarding of hand sanitiser, we will be open in Penyllan Brewery shop later this week handing out 250ml of hand disinfectant for free. 

To save glass, it would be great if you bring your own bottle which we will fill for you (max 250 ml).

Max one bottle per family. Available while supplies last.

For pickup times in the shop, please check our Facebook Page. We will update it daily.


The sanitiser is made from according to the recipe recommended by WHO.

The ingredients are all something we have in stock, as it is used in our normal production. We have not been out hoarding anything to offer this.

We use:

Oxydan. Industrial sanitizer and a mix of peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Will break down into water, oxygen and acetic acid after use.
Propylene Glycol: Cooling liquid for our tanks. Food grade.
Ethanol 96%:
 Sanitizer (watered down to 80% ABV). Food grade

Lime oil: food grade. (Not part of the WHO formula, but a few drops make it smell nicer)

PH: 5,6



We also have a small amount of face masks available (we normally use them for dust protection). If you have a family member who’s ill and cant get a hold of one, you are welcome to come by and pick one up for free. Please do not get one if you do not need it.



We also have lots of yeast. Its beer yeast, but it will still raise your bread if you are desperate! Bring a clean container, and we will fill it for you.


Follow us on social media by clicking the icons below


Photography by our friends Thomas Knudsen, Kasper Buchart ThyeSemko Balcerski og Mikael Sejer.

© 2018-2019 Penyllan


Havnevej 8D (entrance from Vestkajen 1).
3770 Allinge


Tax Warehouse ID: DK31303990301


Drop us a mail at
Jessica@penyllan.com or send us a Facebook message.

Bank Details

Store Torv 16-18, 3700 Rønne, Denmark

Account # 1436 743698371
IBAN: DK8920000743698371


The Bar & Shop is open any time we are there (the flag will be out). For other opening hours check our Facebook Page. Tours by appointment 250 kr p.p.